Mining is a common activity in J-Space, and probably one of the best ways to make ISK.
If you want to mine efficiently, you have to know what the best rocks to go for are, here are currently some of the top rocks you will be aiming for during your stay in J-Space.
- Protospar
- Tengugen
- Lokite
- Legoxit
Unlinke in K-Space, these rocks do not hold minerals, due to the advance sleeper technology and nanotechnological microdust that inhabit J-Space, once successful mining of any one of these rocks, a variety of ready made modules spew instantly, which you can just loot and then be on your way. These modules can be sold at any of the tradehubs for a tidy profit.
Ships and Skills
To start your career as a wormhole miner you will need these following skills:-
- Industry V
- Science IV
- Astrogeology III
- Mining Barge I
- Hull Upgrades IV
- Shield Upgrades IV
- Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
- Mechanics III
- Jury Rigging III
- Shield Rigging I
So that you can fit the only ship you will ever need for J-Space mining, the Procurer. This skill plan will take roughly two weeks with a new character.
[Procurer, CareBare]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Medium 'Canyon' Shield Extender
Medium 'Canyon' Shield Extender
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I
Strip Miner I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
How to effectively mine in J-Space
To start with, you need to find your rocks. These are usually found either drifting randomly around J-Space, where they sometimes get caught up in the POS structures. It's good to use a cloaky frigate to track down these rocks, as they sometimes seem to have a mind of their own due to the nanotechnological microdust I mentioned earlier, and be a little skittish. Once they have been found, you need to warp your Procurer into the system, and to an Ore Site Anomaly. I have no idea why they are called this to be honest, there is no worthwhile ore in these places, I have petitioned CCP to change the name, yet they are still to respond to my callings.
Here you find some regular K-Space asteroids, that apparently are used for something else in the game, I think something to do with PvP, though I do not delve in this aspect of the game. Eve is a PVE game in my view.
The thing about these Cosmic Ore Anomalies, is that they seem to attract the J-Space rocks, but only when a Procurer enters them. Once inside, target one of theses fake asteroids with your strip miner, and wait, usually for a maximum of 10 minutes. If no J-Space rocks appear, you can try at first, to drop a can full of some of the stuff from the rock (you don't need it anyways, its bulky and worthless), rename the can to the current EVE time, then say in local "www to the can, its in corp bookmarks".
Somehow, this attracts these Protospar and other rocks. Once they arrive, use your warp disrupter on them, which keeps them from drifting away.
You then need a little help from your friends, and call them on comms to help blow up the rock, as they are quite tough.
ISK per hour
zKillboard is a very valuable tool for analyzing your mining operations. If you look at two of the following mining missions we completed, we can work out our ISK per hour.
Here we have the modules dropped from two separate Protospar. The first one dropped 245m ISK, while the second one dropped 553m ISK, totaling 798m ISK. Each rock took about 10 minutes until they were warp disrupted on entering the system. There was also maybe 10 minutes each time to find them, both of them had drifted into a POS, so they were quite easy to find. This comes to a total of 800m for 40 minutes work, or roughly 1.2 billion ISK per hour.
Ending Comments
These rocks were found not by myself, but being part of an effective mining alliance. The Swift Angels alliance, with coalition with Sudden Buggery, have taught me in only a few months, effective mining in J-Space. We often even have Procurer fleets, as these seem to attract even more of these strangely misunderstood space rocks into our vicinity.
read, followed directions.....died